Health Screenings

Health Screenings

Online Platform
To support our screening process, Cardinal Hayes has adopted eCollect, a data collection feature within PowerSchool that will allow us to perform mandatory remote screenings before students arrive each morning. Cardinal Hayes will also use Google Forms to complete some Health Screenings, including the first screening that must be completed before students arrive at their orientation in September. 

Daily Questionnaire 
Every morning at home, each parent/guardian (on behalf of their son) and each faculty and staff member will be required to complete a health screening questionnaire. In addition to answering questions about their health and well-being, each person is required to perform and record a temperature check. Anyone reporting a temperature of 100.0°F or greater or specific symptoms must stay at home. Parents are required to call the attendance office to report the student absence.   The Questionnaire must be completed by 7:15 am each morning. The data from this form will be received by the school’s health screeners, who will determine whether or not the student is eligible to enter the building.  

All students will have their temperature checked thermally when they arrive. Additionally, screeners will be looking for visual signs of illness to determine whether or not the student can enter the building. If the screening reveals a fever of 100.0°F or greater, the student will under no condition be allowed to enter the school building. A parent or guardian will be called immediately and the student must be picked up.  

The student will not be allowed to return to school until he/they have met the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 related illnesses, which includes three days with no fever, an illustration that symptoms have improved, and ten (10) days elapsed since the symptoms first appeared.

Cardinal Hayes High School

650 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451
Phone: 718-292-6100
For all media inquiries please contact:
The Mission of Cardinal Hayes High School, a community based in Roman Catholic values, is to inspire diverse young men of the New York City metropolitan area to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. We will accomplish this goal by encouraging students' spiritual and intellectual growth through a rigorous college preparatory program of academics, extra-curricular activities, and personal discipline.